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About Our Kick Plates

What is a Door Kick Plate?

Door kick plates are a sheet of material attached to the bottom of your door to protect it from damage. They get their name from when people kick the door open when they have their hands full. So this is why you’ll see them in commercial and public buildings. Anywhere where there is a pretty steady thoroughfare of people, they are essential. For example, they’re a pretty essential feature of hospitals and schools.

If your door is made from a cheaper material then it’s likely to get damaged over time as people kick the door open overtime. Bolstering your door with some extra protection makes sure you’re protecting your investment. Doors aren’t cheap so it makes sense to fortify them.

You’ll find that door kick plates are generally made of metal, like stainless steel, aluminium or brass, but can also be found in vinyl or plastic. Metal door kick plates are stronger and more durable but plastic kick plates can come in different colours which can make them a functional style choice.