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About Our VELUX Flat Roof Windows

This range of superb quality VELUX flat roof windows is not only an excellent source of natural light and heat but also boasts great insulating effects against both cold temperatures and loud noise disturbances. The rugged tempered surface of the flat roof is a good defender against nature's toughest tests such as hail whilst also being attractive in style and shape. Premium quality and maintenance-free, our selection of VELUX Windows is complete with a 10-year guarantee for your peace of mind.

Why are flat roof windows so important?

It’s been researched and documented so many times that high levels of Vitamin D are good for humans since it promotes calcium for bone growth and helps to regulate the immune system. Did you know that exposure to daylight is also good for sleep too? A new study carried out by a handful of universities and the VELUX group found that exposure to lots of natural light and sun during the day, followed by sleeping in total darkness, helps the body to sleep naturally and to take cues on when to sleep. This all promotes healthy living and a reduction of insomnia too.

All the research on natural daylight makes it indisputable that installing a flat roof window in an otherwise dark or artificially lit area can improve human health. Given that all it takes is a small sun tunnel or sun tube to begin injecting ‘real’ light into your home, investing in flat roof windows seems like a no-brainer.

Where can I install a flat roof window?

Flat roof windows can be installed almost anywhere. The only 2 limitations on flat roof windows are that you must have the right amount of flat roof space to accommodate the window and upstand and that the roof must be between 0 and 15 degrees. Flat roof windows are a fantastic addition to any home, freeing up spaces to be more usable and more enticing, offering more use of your existing space. They’re also extremely beneficial for those who are considering a flat roof extension because it means that no existing rooms lose any light. VELUX flat roof windows are perfect for this as they let in an extraordinary amount of daylight.